Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pre-Halloween Festivities

Turkey Butt is a super cool Air Force Pilot. His buddies, Mutt and Jeff are a Phantom and a Storm Trooper. We went to Flushing Township Nature Park for their Halloween special. Basically we were able to hike on the shorter nature trail at dark (which TB thought was super cool enough) and they had booths set up along the way to educate the kids about animal scat, bats, spiders, snakes and other "Halloween" type things. At the end the boys all got treat bags, including tooth brushes!!!
The boys all thought it was great, even the oldest who was thoroughly bummed at first when he found out that he was only getting a bag at the end. In our group were other parents who obviously didn't get the memo and had planned on just trick or treating along the trail and had not much nice to say about the program. Their kids seemed to be enjoying themselves too, though. Unfortunately, though I am sure they will not be back for another year. Kind of sad, because the children all had fun and it was educational. Worked for me.

Didn't get too many pics because it was at night and I had 4 boys to keep an eye on by myself. Yes there is a little frog that joined us, but he was terrified by his brothers costumes and there was no way I could get him to stand next to them for the pics!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh the hypocrisy!!!

So I briefly contemplated returning to church. I even went to a new one a few weeks ago and I liked it a lot and the people. However, since then I have worked every day but two. Yes I even worked on Sundays. But you gotta do what you gotta do. My relationship with God was never ever dependent on going to church. As a matter of fact attending "church" did nothing to further it either, just made me a whole lot of disgruntled. So much so that with everything on my plate and the way I felt when I left these "churches" left me with little desire to continue seeking. I am confident with my relationship with God and spend my days to being a christian so why bother causing myself pain for the sake of appearances???

Anyway, the main reason for going to church was for TB because he really really wants to get baptized. He brought it up of his own accord and I am not going to spend the rest of this post justifying the decision to anyone.

However, here's my problem. I am fully aware that any christian (even me) can baptize my son and that it doesn't have to be in a church. BUT . . . what will happen to him way down the road when he wants to get married and stuff, will they understand it since he doesn't have a pretty little certificate from a bonafide church to back up his claim?

In my opinion they should, but hey I am also fully aware that most church going people do not feel that way. This of course, fuels my feelings of the absolute hypocrisy of many many church going people-that along with some very intolerant, cruel, judgmental and just down right crazy things from "christian leaders" that I have been reading today are really making me feel like church is just not an option for us anymore. Mostly for fear that by letting TB attend, I will be validating those very attitudes that I despise and by condoning them, he will feel it's okay to be like them.

Add to this the fact that I only want to go to church to get a happy little certificate for TB, just in case he ever needs it in the future and well it almost makes me feel like I am becoming a hypocrite myself. So I am not going to pursue it anymore. I sent a card to the church that I visited recently telling them that I liked their church but I really just don't have time to attend at this juncture, which I don't (again not going to waste my time justifying that comment either).

The crazy thing is that I think that at this church, they will understand. Too bad I hadn't gone there first.

As for the baptism, I am 100% confident that it will get done some how, some way. An opportunity always presents itself, in this I am sure.

Anyway, I gotta go, TB just told me that he wants to practice reading by reading his "God and Jesus books" . . .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

We Love the Fall

Today we went to get pumpkins and run around in the corn. The best part of the whole day was the pumpkin cannons (in the excitement I forgot to take a picture). Then I played with my new leaf blower birthday present and now my arm feels like jello. All in all, one great day.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What would Jesus do?

Yeah I know, corny but hey it makes a point!!!

So do you really think that if Jesus had the choice he would stand out front of an abortion clinic, even peacefully protesting what is going on in there?

I don't think so.

Jesus would be in there, speaking to the women, sharing their hurt and their pain and their fear.

He certainly would not be standing outside condemning someone solely based on one decision that they had made in their life.

He certainly would not be intimidating and putting fear into these women's hearts.

He would be talking to them and teaching them all about the love of God. He would not be causing them to fear God even more.

Jesus would be showing them love and compassion and caring. He would teach them.

He would be leaving the judging to God.

That's what I think.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Boy do I hate it when it is supposed to be about me. Terrible isn't it. All I can say is boy is it nice to be needed, but it sure as hell would be nice to be wanted once in a while.

Tiring. Well at least it's only once a year. 364 days a year it can be about everyone else and we can leave it that way-it works best that way. Sigh . . .

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Tragedy

Well, it's been a while but when you are busy for ooooh about 70 hours a week, you really gotta sleep in those last few.

So anyway, the other day was a pretty devastating day for us. One of our baby deer was hit by a car.

In case you are not sure what the heck I am talking about, we have had a momma deer raise her two babies in the backyard. They have become permanent residents ever since I put in the privacy fence and pretty much sleep here every night now. So much so that in last week's art project, TB had to draw a pic of the house and he even included the three of them in the yard.

Anyway . . .

The babies have been enjoying my crab apple tree a little too much lately and the other morning when I went out of the drive to leave for work, one was there on the side of the road "sleeping".

Unfortunately, I blurted out my surprise and TB saw it right away too.

He was sooooo bummed.

First he was mad at the driver.

Then he was mad at the deer.

Then he decided it wasn't one of "his" deer, it was someone else's.

Then he decided (since the city road crew excellently removed the baby before we returned for the day) that a vet must have picked it up and took it to it's house to be rehabbed like we did for Gracie when she was hit by a car.

So sweet. So sad. Poor TB, this kid has had more deaths in 6 years than some people have in their lives.

Ahhhh we will be okay. Just really really bummed out.