Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pre-Halloween Festivities

Turkey Butt is a super cool Air Force Pilot. His buddies, Mutt and Jeff are a Phantom and a Storm Trooper. We went to Flushing Township Nature Park for their Halloween special. Basically we were able to hike on the shorter nature trail at dark (which TB thought was super cool enough) and they had booths set up along the way to educate the kids about animal scat, bats, spiders, snakes and other "Halloween" type things. At the end the boys all got treat bags, including tooth brushes!!!
The boys all thought it was great, even the oldest who was thoroughly bummed at first when he found out that he was only getting a bag at the end. In our group were other parents who obviously didn't get the memo and had planned on just trick or treating along the trail and had not much nice to say about the program. Their kids seemed to be enjoying themselves too, though. Unfortunately, though I am sure they will not be back for another year. Kind of sad, because the children all had fun and it was educational. Worked for me.

Didn't get too many pics because it was at night and I had 4 boys to keep an eye on by myself. Yes there is a little frog that joined us, but he was terrified by his brothers costumes and there was no way I could get him to stand next to them for the pics!!!

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