Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Random thoughts during my drive to Detroit this morning.

Not too many as I only had about 2 hours of sleep last night . . .

I am pretty sure that driving in the snow is better than driving through all this construction!!!

This would be a great song for Viagra or Cialis if they haven't already used it, Speaking of Barry Manilow's Trying to Find that Feeling Again  (gotta love the free XM subscription-you never know what you will hear on it!!!)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's not a mouse . . .

Guess what I caught in my mousetrap last night.

Nope, it wasn't a mouse. . .

Nope, it wasn't a rat . . .

It was a mole.  

As far as I know, moles do not like cheese, but luckily for me they also don't know how to leap over the mouse trap that is in the way of their only escape route from behind my stove.

After a very exhaustive search of the entire foundation of the house, I have determined that the poor mole either entered the house through the front door, when I was unloading from last weekends trip or one of the dogs brought it in for a fun little fuzzy chew toy and it escaped.

Don't know, don't care.  It's gone and that is all that matters.

I knew it was weird that there was no mouse poop or torn open food in the cupboards.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lemonade Stands

I got to tell you nothing gets me more sentimental and weepy than driving through a neighborhood and seeing some little kids out in their yards running a lemonade stand.  So far this summer I have seen 4 of them and of course I always stop.

There's just something that gets me about these things.

Like I always reply when people say I am crazy or that my job is dangerous because I visit complete strangers all over the state of Michigan all day long, the world is not quite as bad as most people make it out to be . . .

Friday, July 25, 2008

My new Kindle

If you hadn't guessed from my last post, I now have an Amazon Kindle book.  Basically I whined and whined and whined until my mother gave it and bought it for me.  I told her it was an early birthday (October) and Christmas present and that she could even throw graduation (next May) in there too.
I love this thing.  Books are way cheaper when you don't have to pay for printing, binding, shipping, etc.  Plus, they have their own wireless network on the Kindle so literally within 30 seconds you can go to Amazon.com and order something and have it downloaded.  Their Kindle library is pretty vast so finding something is not a problem.
Then yesterday was the icing on the cake.  Tor books sent a message out that I was able to download 10 of their titles for free.  Yes I know it's a marketing ploy to get me to try some new writers and get hooked, but who cares, it works for me!

So if you don't ever see me blogging again, you will know why.  The battery NEVER dies on the thing and it only takes an hour or so to re-charge if it does.

I am in heaven.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Random thoughts during my drive to Detroit this morning.

I love my Kindle.

I want to run for Congress so that I can get lifetime health care, so tired of being un-insured.

Who cut down the "These trees were illegally cut." trees?

I really love my Kindle.

Did Kwame forget to pay the electric bills?  (most of the stop lights were out or had only one bulb working)

I really really love my Kindle.

And that's about all I got today.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Once again I am in trouble . . .

Here is where most of my problems lie, I have decided to forgive someone and still be friends with them and others cannot understand that.  Do you have a right to be mad at a friend for forgiving someone else?  Shouldn't you be the slightest bit grateful that one day you may make a mistake and be given the same amount of forgiveness?

That's what I am thinking.

Someone did me and TB wrong.  It stemmed from a fundamental character difference in the two of us.  It is not something that this person is actually even fully aware of, either because of that exact difference in viewpoint.  We understand and we accept that this person may see things differently than we do.  We altered our relationship so that the same things won't happen again, but we continue to be friends with this person. 

Now however, others are pretty mad at me for being nice to this person, that is something that I just don't understand.

So again, should you be mad at someone for forgiving someone else?  That just seems silly.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Instrumental Worship . . . Not for Turkey Butt

So today was the first day of VBS at the church that my babysitter attends.  She basically runs the children's program, so of course all the day care kids will be going to VBS all week.  They attend a different type of church from what we are used to, you know the kind that uses instruments and all.
TB just got home from the first day and he is miserable.  All he keeps complaining about right now is how loud and annoying the VBS was and that he has a headache.

Soooo apparently instrumental music is not his cup of tea.

Mostly he is just tired from having 2 sleep overs in a row with his buddy from around the corner and staying up til midnight for Movie in the Park on Saturday and til about 10:00 to catch fireflies last night.  Ooops, bad planning mommy.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Never say never

One of these days I will remember that.  
Anyway, for a variety of reasons I ended up starting to work back down in Detroit where I did my internship last year for school.  It's fun, it was also real nice to be back.  
I will be working with adolescents this time on part of the IOP program that they have down there.  

Yes yes yes for anyone that knows me well knows that I did say I would never never work with adolescents.

Oh well as my former field supervisor, now boss once said to me earlier this year, "It's a good thing you are flexible".

One of these days I will learn to stop saying I will never do something . . .