Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Compassion cannot be found in isolation

If you raise your child to only listen to Christian music, attend only Christian schools, hang out only with Christians and do only Christian things-when do you teach them compassion?  How do they learn understanding, acceptance and forgiveness?

Is it on a mission trip to some far distant land, where the distinctions between us and them are clear and concise?  Is it by feeding the homeless where again it's pretty easy to see that "they" are hurting?

And even scarier, what happens when these children are all grown up and make some mistakes?  Will this faith based on compassion for only those that are way different be enough to get them through it?  After all, their mistakes might not actually take them into the far reaches of central and south America or make them homeless in Detroit.  

What happens when the child grows up and for a moment becomes one of those other people that we don't talk about?  Will their faith be strong enough to bring them back?

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