Friday, July 25, 2008

My new Kindle

If you hadn't guessed from my last post, I now have an Amazon Kindle book.  Basically I whined and whined and whined until my mother gave it and bought it for me.  I told her it was an early birthday (October) and Christmas present and that she could even throw graduation (next May) in there too.
I love this thing.  Books are way cheaper when you don't have to pay for printing, binding, shipping, etc.  Plus, they have their own wireless network on the Kindle so literally within 30 seconds you can go to and order something and have it downloaded.  Their Kindle library is pretty vast so finding something is not a problem.
Then yesterday was the icing on the cake.  Tor books sent a message out that I was able to download 10 of their titles for free.  Yes I know it's a marketing ploy to get me to try some new writers and get hooked, but who cares, it works for me!

So if you don't ever see me blogging again, you will know why.  The battery NEVER dies on the thing and it only takes an hour or so to re-charge if it does.

I am in heaven.

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