Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's not a mouse . . .

Guess what I caught in my mousetrap last night.

Nope, it wasn't a mouse. . .

Nope, it wasn't a rat . . .

It was a mole.  

As far as I know, moles do not like cheese, but luckily for me they also don't know how to leap over the mouse trap that is in the way of their only escape route from behind my stove.

After a very exhaustive search of the entire foundation of the house, I have determined that the poor mole either entered the house through the front door, when I was unloading from last weekends trip or one of the dogs brought it in for a fun little fuzzy chew toy and it escaped.

Don't know, don't care.  It's gone and that is all that matters.

I knew it was weird that there was no mouse poop or torn open food in the cupboards.

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