Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Have you ever had your utilities shut off?

It's happened to me twice now up here.  Neither time was it my fault. 

Back in March, Consumers decided that they needed to shut off my gas and electric and after me and my landlord argued with them for three days they finally realized that I did indeed fax in the paperwork in February, their customer service department just forgot to process it.  I had to prove to them that I was in no way related to the previous tenant because he left them with a bill for over $1500.  For some reason, me telling them that I had not gotten a bill from them yet and in no way could be behind never really sunk in with the CSR's there.

Today the city came out and shut my water off.  Again, I never actually have received a bill from them yet.  So I called.  This time, it was because the next door neighbor has not paid them, not me.  The guys stopped in front of the wrong house.  No big deal, within 15 minutes they were out here apologizing  and turning it back on.

Now, my question is . . . how on earth could the previous tenant live here for a year without paying anyone and not getting anything shut off, but I live here for 2 1/2 months and everything has been shut off once for someone else's lack of payment?


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