Thursday, May 29, 2008

Turkey Butt's First Double & the Electric House

So I have been a little bit behind on anything that requires electric this week.  My house is electrically charged right now, thanks to the previous tenant who is hereby official called The Moron.  He used 1 1/2" nails to put up the siding and somewhere along the way must have caught one of the electric wires because the house is "charged up" anywhere there is metal.  So I have to wait for electrician guy to come back on Saturday and re-wire everything one by one until he can find the bad wire (it's the only way he can think to fix the problem short of tearing all the siding off).  In the meantime I have to be careful which plugs I use because we can't be certain which one's are affected.

On a slightly more humorous note, can you guess how many times I kept touching the door to see if I would still get shocked after detecting the initial problem.  Seriously, sometimes I am worse than a child when it comes to not touching things that will do bodily harm.  But I just HAD TO keep testing it!!!

On a positive note:  TB had his first T-Ball practice today and got his first double.  Of course I was proud and so was he.

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