Friday, May 9, 2008

Weird happenings in the fish bowl.

OK so ever since the old lady with the barking lab neighbor said that she saw "prowlers" in her back yard weird things have been happening around here.  Not big noticeable things but weird little things.

Like, someone cut the plants that were growing in the front flower beds.  Yes cut, no animal could make them that even and the clippings were left behind.

Like, sometimes when I go to let the dogs out the lead attached to Tic's cable are pulled all the way to the other side of the 50' run (ummm they are right there at the door when I let them in and the whole philosophy is that they will be there when I let them out again)

Like, the other cable run is wound up and shoved under the brace on the other pole until I figure out what to do with it so that I won't hit it with my mower and now all of a sudden it is stretched out and laying in the yard.

Like I said weird weird weird.  TB has been questioned sufficiently and let off the hook for these strange occurrences.

Anyway, so last night I heard a weird noise and so did Maddie and Tic.  Then we heard it again, right outside the living room window.

After standing in the living room staring at the window and having creepy neighbor guy flashbacks for a few minutes, I went to look out and didn't see anything.  Maddie and Tic also resumed their night night positions and didn't seem to be really worried so I read for a little while and went to bed.

This morning I went out and checked it out and it was just that the trash can was knocked over and then rolled down the hill-probably Bob.

So now I am trying to find out if I should worry or not.

Weird little things kept happening right before the creepy neighbor guy experience, like the window in TB's room being open, the gate being open when I came home from work and Sporty's collar turning up missing.  

Well, at least in this house it's a bit more of a pain in the butt to break in (I've had to do it twice now to get the keys out).  But again, I am on a slab with windows that are conveniently easy to climb through.

Hmmmm, there's not really much I can do about it and my short term memory will make me soon forget until the next weird thing happens so oh well, we shall see how this plays out.  Hopefully it won't end with someone trying to crawl through the window while the dog is sleeping soundly on the couch.  I am banking on Tic's non-stop barking to bail me out.

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